自 1996 年成立至今,怡信水利 ( 科技 ) 有限公司於水處理業界持續獲得良好信譽,並在提供顧問服務及項目工程承包安排過程中發揮積極參與的角色,而其中所涉足的應用範圍包括:教學研究、生物科技、 CD/DVD 光碟、液晶顯示器、半導體、線路板、金屬表面處理、飲料、餐飲、化驗室等。
除了作為一家水處理元件供應商外,怡信水利 ( 科技 ) 有限公司亦為客戶提供可行性研究評估、工藝流程設計、設備篩選、施工安裝、測定調試、操作員培訓、故障檢修,以至全面售後支援等服務。通過對客戶本身需求的了解,加上過往經驗的累積,我們能妥善平衡創新與成本效益,以協助專案客戶實現配合就其特殊應用所涉及的當地法規要求。
藉由卓越管理及工程專業知識為客戶帶來優質及適時的成效,怡信水利 ( 科技 ) 有限公司被授予多項公營機關及私營機構的工程項目和維修保養合同。「力求獲得業界專家的聲譽」是我們公司成立以來的企業願景,貫徹「每天的工作過程中致力提供質優值厚的產品與服務」的公司使命,我們有信心能為廣大客戶帶來與我們公司願景一致的秀麗展望。
Dear our value customer and co-operation partner,
Since establishment in 1996, Essence Technology Ltd. has been a trusted specialist in the field of water treatment technologies and plays an active role in consultancy and contracting of water treatment project for various industries involved in research institute, biotechnology, CD/DVD, liquid crystal display, semi-conductors, printed circuit boards, metal finishing, beverage, catering, testing laboratory, etc.
Besides acting as a component supplier for the water treatment industry, Essence Technology Ltd. also offers feasibility study, process design, equipment selection, system installation, testing and commissioning, operator training, trouble shooting and full after-sales support for customers. Through years of services, we optimize innovative and cost-effective ways to achieve compliance with local regulations for a particular application for a particular customer, with the background of high degree of process and industry knowledge in both our business and our customer business.
With a right balance of management and engineering expertise to deliver the highest quality and most timely results, Essence Technology Ltd. has been awarded an impressive range of public and private sector engineering projects and maintenance contracts. Striving for recognition as a water treatment specialist has been our distinct vision since company establishment. And we are confident that our mission in working everyday to provide products and services of superior quality and value would make benefit to our broad range of customers with a good view that is in line with our vivid vision.
Should you have any query, please feel free contacting us in your earliest convenience !
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